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Applied Informatics, AI and Medical Decision Making
Research Priorities
- Name University of Stralsund
- Research Priorities Applied Informatics, AI and Medical Decision Making
- Short Description Applied research in the field of modern information systems and technical systems as well as their application in industry and business.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Informatics, System and Electrical Engineering; Medicine
- Key Terms model-based development processes; network security; software quality; health information systems; e-health; medical information management; medical decision making; medical technology; telemedicine
Contact Person
- Contact Person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ladisch, Jens
- Function Prorektor für Forschung und Entwicklung
- House Address Zur Schwedenschanze 15, 18435 Stralsund
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 (0)3831 45-6547
- E-mail
- Internetlink