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Professionalism of Social Work
Research Priorities
- Name RhineMain University
- Research Priorities Professionalism of Social Work
- Short Description The focus is on dilemmas in professional social work practice as well as modes of reviewing them in a reflected manner, in order to develop within working alliances with target groups social and democratic ways of breaking down barriers of their possibilities.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Key Terms professionalism; professional action; reflected professionalism; working alliances; democratic professionalism; social work
Contact Person
- Contact Person Professor Dr. phil. Grendel, Tanja
- Function Leiterin des Forschungsintitut RheinMain für Soziale Arbeit (FoRM)
- House Address Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, 65197 Wiesbaden
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 (0)611 9495 1331
- E-mail
- Internetlink