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Human Behavior in the Worlds of Work and Leisure

Research Priorities
  • Name Westcoast University of Applied Sciences
  • Research Priorities Human Behavior in the Worlds of Work and Leisure
  • Short Description Subject is the study of individual and collective human behavior in the worlds of work and leisure. Innovative models and methods for entrepreneurial activity are generated from this. The main focus is on tourism, marketing and human resource management.
Research Areas
  • Research Areas Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften
  • Konsumenten; Regionalmarketing; Personalmanagement; Arbeitsrecht; Verhalten; Führung
Contact Person
  • Contact Person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiemers, Thomas
  • Function Vizepräsident für Forschung, Entwicklung und Technologietransfer
  • House Address Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20, 25746 Heide
  • Postal Code
  • Telephone +49 481 8555-410
  • E-mail
  • Internetlink

Research Map

You can also find the most important information about the Research Map in our leaflet.

Leaflet Research Map


Dr. Gordon Bölling
Tel.: +49 30 206292-228

Sabrina Lux
Tel.: +49 30 206292-222


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