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Digital Work and Living Environments

Research Priorities
  • Name Technische Hochschule Köln
  • Research Priorities Digital Work and Living Environments
  • Short Description Digital transformation and the associated changes require innovative ideas and solutions for all areas of work and life. As part of the research priority, new technologies are developed and the effects of these on modern society are researched.
Research Areas
  • Research Areas Bauwesen und Architektur; Geisteswissenschaften; Informatik, System- und Elektrotechnik; Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik
  • Informationen; Kommunikation; Ökonomie; Recht; Stadt; Mobilität
Contact Person
  • Contact Person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Becker, Klaus
  • Function Vizepräsident für Forschung und Wissenstransfer
  • House Address Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54, 50968 Köln
  • Postal Code
  • Telephone +49 221 8275-3102
  • E-mail
  • Internetlink

Research Map

You can also find the most important information about the Research Map in our leaflet.

Leaflet Research Map


Dr. Gordon Bölling
Tel.: +49 30 206292-228

Sabrina Lux
Tel.: +49 30 206292-222


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