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Sustainable Management and Resources
Research Priorities
- Name Technische Hochschule Köln
- Research Priorities Sustainable Management and Resources
- Short Description Due to population growth and climate change, the sustainable handling of resources is essential. The research priority is devoted to this topic and develops solutions and technologies relating to energy and resource efficient management and the use of alternative substances and new materials.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Chemistry; Geosciences; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Thermal and Process Engineering
- Key Terms energy; water; production; construction; environment; health
Contact Person
- Contact Person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Becker, Klaus
- Function Vizepräsident für Forschung und Wissenstransfer
- House Address Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54, 50968 Köln
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 221 8275-3102
- E-mail
- Internetlink