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Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
Research Priorities
- Name Hochschule Flensburg
- Research Priorities Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
- Short Description We research technological, ecological, and economical challenges of the energy revolution and sustainable resources. Our main topics include wind energy, hydrogen, sector coupling, rational usage of energy, sustainable business, development cooperation (e.g., Africa), and energy storage.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Biology; Chemistry; Construction Engineering and Architecture; Humanities; Informatics, System and Electrical Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Physics; Thermal and Process Engineering
- Key Terms wind energy; rational energy use; sustainability; development cooperation; energy storage; recycling technology; waste technology
Contact Person
- Contact Person Dr. Bille, Heike
- Function Präsidiumsbeauftragte Forschung & Technologietransfer
- House Address Kanzleistr. 91-93, 24943 Flensburg
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 461 805-1204
- E-mail
- Internetlink