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Process Technologies and Sustainability
Research Priorities
- Name University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
- Research Priorities Process Technologies and Sustainability
- Short Description The focus lies on research regarding sustainability in production and manufacturing with special consideration given to sustainable ecological resource management and intelligent production and value creation in combination with the requirements of Industry 4.0.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Chemistry; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Thermal and Process Engineering
- Key Terms industry 4.0; sustainability; virtual factories; internet of things (IoT); material development; automation; biotechnology; production technology; environmental technology; process technology; risk assessment; risk management
Contact Person
- Contact Person Professor Dr. Saenger, Nicole
- Function Vizepräsidentin für Forschung und Nachhaltige Entwicklung
- House Address Schöfferstraße 3, 64295 Darmstadt
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 6151 16 30020
- E-mail
- Internetlink