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Health Care Research
Research Priorities
- Name Higher Education Institution for Health University of Applied Sciences
- Research Priorities Health Care Research
- Short Description Inter- and transdisciplinary healthcare research improves health care services for the patients' benefit. The research priority focuses on the following topics: digitalisation, smart assistance systems, nursing, speech therapy, ergo- and physiotherapy.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Medicine; Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Key Terms logopedics; physiotherapy; digitalisation; health care; assistance systems; ergotherapy; care; care
Contact Person
- Contact Person Prof. Dr. Quilling, Eike
- Function Vizepräsidentin für Forschung und Transfer
- House Address Gesundheitscampus 6-8, 44801 Bochum
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 234 77727-784
- E-mail
- Internetlink