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Green Engineering and Ecosystems
Research Priorities
- Name HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
- Research Priorities Green Engineering and Ecosystems
- Short Description The core of the research priority is about maintaining the basis for life and production and shaping the transition to a sustainable, bio-based economy. Intelligent technology solutions aim at resource efficiency and climate protection, based on sustainable ecological systems.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine; Informatics, System and Electrical Engineering; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Thermal and Process Engineering
- Key Terms sustainability; energy system analysis; eco-balancing; bioeconomy; robotics; autonomous systems; artificial intelligence (AI)
Contact Person
- Contact Person Prof. Dr. Walentowski, Helge
- Function Dekan Fakultät Ressourcenmanagement
- House Address Büsgenweg 1 a, 37077 Göttingen
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 551 5032-177
- E-mail
- Internetlink