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Applied Computer Science and Digital Transformation
Research Priorities
- Name Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Research Priorities Applied Computer Science and Digital Transformation
- Short Description Competencies in applied research in the areas of intelligent mobility, electronics & microsystems, software systems, knowledge processing & geoinformation, and communications technology and networks for the further development of concepts and solutions as well as the processing of innovative topics.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Geosciences; Informatics, System and Electrical Engineering; Mathematics; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Physics
- Key Terms autonomous driving; artificial intelligence (AI); machine learning; robotics; digital value creation; electromobility
Contact Person
- Contact Person Prof. Dr. Munz, Sonja
- Function Vizepräsidentin für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
- House Address Lothstraße 34, 80335 München
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 89 1265-1314
- E-mail
- Internetlink