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Infection Medicine
Research Priority
- Name University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
- Research Priority Infection Medicine
- Short Description Focus on infectious and zoonotic diseases in veterinary medicine (Factors of virulences and mechanisms of resistence; host-pathogen interaction; methods for diagnosis, therapy and prophylaxis; risk assessment; epidemiology; lifestock and herd-health management; foodquality and -safety)
- Website
Research Areas
- Research Areas Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine; Biology
- Key Terms veterinary medicine; infectious medicine; zoonotic diseases; vaccines; virulance factors; host-pathogen interaction; risk assessment; epidemiology; herd health; food safety; resistance mechanisms
Contact Person(s)
- Contact Person Dr. Müller-Berger, Suzanne
- Function Referentin des Präsidenten
- House Address Hannover
- Postal Code 30559
- Telephone 0511 9538004
- Internetlink