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Medical Science & Technology (MedST)
Research Priorities
- Name RWTH Aachen University
- Research Priorities Medical Science & Technology (MedST)
- Short Description The MedST Profile Area represents the connection of medical research with engineering and natural sciences at RWTH Aachen University. The main focus is on the translation of research to the clinic.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Biology; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Medicine
- Key Terms imaging; nanobiomedicine; biobybrid medical systems; smart medical devices; digital life sciences
Contact Person
- Contact Person Baier, Jasmin
- Function Referentin des Profilbereichs MedST
- House Address Forckenbeckstr. 55, 52074 Aachen
- Postal Code
- Telephone +49 241 80-85913
- E-mail
- Internetlink