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Biodiversity and Climate

Research Priorities
  • Name Frankfurt University
  • Research Priorities Biodiversity and Climate
  • Short Description Researchers at BIK-F combine remote sensing, modeling, molecular genetics and mass spectrometry approaches to examine the interactions between organismal diversity and climate with the aim of developing reliable projections and recommendations for policy makers.
Research Areas
  • Research Areas Biologie; Geowissenschaften; Medizin; Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften
  • Biodiversität; Klimawandel; Ökosystemfunktionen; Ökosystemdienstleistungen; Erdsystem; Sozialökologie; Evolution; Ökologie; Finanzen; Umweltmanagement
Contact Person
  • Contact Person Prof. Dr. Böhning-Gaese, Katrin
  • Function Direktorin des Senckenberg Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum (BiK-F)
  • House Address Georg-Voigt-Straße 14-16, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
  • Postal Code
  • Telephone +49 (0)69 7542-1890
  • E-mail
  • Internetlink

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Dr. Gordon Bölling
Tel.: +49 30 206292-228

Sabrina Lux
Tel.: +49 30 206292-222


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