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Production and Process Engineering, Food- and Biotechnology
Research Priority
- Name Berlin University of Technology
- Research Priority Production and Process Engineering, Food- and Biotechnology
- Short Description These are process-oriented research fields that are focusing on resource efficiency of processes and products. Their main subject is the conversion of substances in technological processes such as the fabrication of healthy food, biotechnological products, and of energy sources.
- Website
Research Areas
- Research Areas Biology; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Thermal and Process Engineering
- Key Terms energy process technology; efficient production processes; fluidics; human tissues; multi-phase systems; traffic; maintenance; repair; cell communication; microorganisms; proteins; rehabilitation
Contact Person(s)
- Contact Person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahrend, Christine
- Function 1. Vizepräsident Forschung und Berufungsangelegenheiten
- House Address Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
- Telephone +49 (0)30 314-22433
- E-mail
- Internetlink