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Chemistry: Catalysis and Organic Electronics
Research Priorities
- Name Heidelberg University
- Research Priorities Chemistry: Catalysis and Organic Electronics
- Short Description Basic research, applied research and industry work together in close cooperations. The Catalysis Research Laboratory transfers ideas from the SFB Molecular Catalysts to industry. The cluster Organic Elctronics, the InnovationLab GmbH and the Centre for Advanced Materials (CAM) are part of the field.
Research Areas
- Research Areas Chemistry; Materials Science and Engineering
- Key Terms organic electronics; homogeneous catalysis; heterogeneous catalysis; molecular catalysis; biological catalysis; organic sensors; organic polymers; organic solar foils; printing processes; conducting plastics; solar cells; materials; semiconducting plastics
Contact Person
- Contact Person Professor Dr. Gade, Lutz H.
- Function Prodekan - Fakultät für Chemie und Geowissenschaften
- House Address Im Neuenheimer Feld 270, 69120 Heidelberg
- Postal Code
- Telephone 06221 54-8443
- E-mail
- Internetlink